Report from Quito, Ecuador in 2019


PLACE: Quito, Ecuador (South America)

DATES: Saturday-Friday, June 15-21, 2019 

LODGING: Alliance Academy International, Quito, Ecuador - Home of the Spartans!

MINISTRY: We worked with local pastors & missionaries through medical clinics, sports & recreation, Vacation Bible Schools, literature distribution, door-to-door evangelism, church planting, and MORE!

EXTRA: Our participants enjoyed a meal on the rooftop of the Vista Hermosa Restaurant in Old Town Quito, and visited the Mitad Del Mundo ("Middle of the Earth" Monument) about an hour outside of Quito. 

REGISTERED GROUP: We had 21 adults and students attend the Ecuador Project! 


Scenes from Alliance Academy in Quito, Ecuador:

















Click HERE to learn more about the people, culture, and land of Ecuador


Alliance Academy International Athletics:










Greater Quito, Ecuador: